Are you sure you want to contact me? Really? I’m not the most careful when I click on links, like the links to the help files for the SEO plug-in. (I regularly use too much passive voice, according to them.) I’d click on a link in your email that’d give you my location and then you could dox me. Nikki Haley wants all social media users to be verified, do you?

Well, Barnable, this is NOT social media and by being here, you agree to my Privacy Policy. All that said, if you REALLY want to contact me, please use this Secure Contact Link. Just kidding. Use the title of this page, with no spaces, at this domain, and send away. Feel free to tell me what you really think of me, but be warned, I’ve heard it all before. At least be creative with your insults.
I was joking about being careless and clicking on links in email; they’re blocked, and so are images. My day job is in Information Technology, and I have multiple ISPs, multiple computers running multiple OSes, VPNs, VPSs, etc. It really is a shame that, in a supposedly free society, we have to hide. That’s the world all you, “silence is violence,” people have created.